

(of a dog) not tending to bark


(of a tree) not having any bark; stripped of its bark
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The river was full of logs--long, slender, barkless pine logs--and we leaned on the rails of the bridge, and watched the men put them together into rafts.
I told him he was daft, as who has ever heard of a barkless dog?
Starkman (2011) pointed out the reappearance of the barkless watchdog or lapdog during the 2008 financial crisis when journalists investigated Wall Street bankers and mortgage lenders.
Marthe is an apparently female but acephalic form disfigured by waxy excrescences, bodily limbs transforming into fibrous, barkless tendrils.
On the mainland, at a creek bed crossing of the Lakeshore Trail, several material elements--like three separate lines of rocks placed like stepping stones across the stream and a fallen log spanning the creek with its topside worn barkless and smooth by footsteps--suggested that visitors tactically split in various directions when passing by the obstacle.
1 Basenjis Sometimes called "the barkless dog", these African hounds yodel.
Drift lines, predominantly composed of large fragments (up to 40 cm in diameter) of large, weathered and barkless tree trunks, were abundant throughout most of the study area and were readily detectable on IKONOS imagery (Figs.
Three toy soldiers and a tall stick of barkless yellow pine stood guard atop the dam and watched as the flow of The Creek was stymied and circled back upon itself.
Adam Reynolds scored twice with Ram, Michael Barkless and Sharwon Akitar also on target.
Adam Reynolds netted twice with Ram, Michael Barkless and Sharwon Akitar also on the mark.
Encounters in the street, hairdresser or dressing room throw up bizarre characters, including Diva, the yodelling, barkless dog.