

resembling a barn
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The walls were unplastered and the rafters unceiled; the whole bearing a most barnlike and unhospitable appearance.
"Staging means not only clearing out personal items like your toiletries or family photos but also stripping the house of all personality in order to create an echo-y, barnlike blank slate for potential buyers to be able to 'see' themselves living there.
Barnlike, it stretches from the river, where a riot of
The pier we were stranded on had an outdoor nail salon, street carts grilling squid and bagging rice and meat slices, and a barnlike building at the end.
With wetlands to the west and the rumbling highway to the east, this warm, inviting and majestic barnlike structure, with its welcoming color mix of straw and cinnamon, reaffirms this town's deep, longstanding ties to agriculture.
The house was tall and barnlike; packed to the rafters, Craig supposed, with fancy gadgets and pricey junk the guy had bought with money earned by stirring around numbers.
At about 1.20pm, Carver took a seat around assembled journalists in a little room at the back of Newcastle United's barnlike indoor pitch.
The first floor is an open, barnlike space, with rows of taxidermied animals and simple wooden benches for visitors, who pay a suggested donation of $10 each.
In 1998, an architectural competition was held, and Noero Wolff--a firm known for building pragmatic, attractive spaces, such as the barnlike Soweto Careers Center in Johannesburg--won the commission.
Starting with the gym--high, raftered ceiling, barnlike. Weird, bright orange metal rims with no breakaway action.
Up the block, Leah Shelhorn works with hundreds of artists to sell their wares in Studio 41 (above; 700 First St.; 707/745-0254), her 1,600-square-foot barnlike shop, where you'll find everything from free-form wall sconces to earrings shaped like dragonflies.
The board members described the school as a new facility, certainly not barnlike, with a fully equipped playground that could accommodate nearly 80 pupils.