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(Anatomy) anatomy the midpoint on the forward border of the foramen magnum
[C19: from New Latin, from Latin basis base1]
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Whereas, posteriorly growth is due to interstitial growth at spheno-occipital synchondrosis.Cranial base center, sella turcica, forms anterior limb (from sella to nasion) and posterior limb (from sella to basion) of cranial base; forming an angle of 130o - 135o at sella.
The tracing is slided back to coincide with the new and old nasion to trace nasion area, and similarly, the basion area is traced [Figure 1].
The maximum anteroposterior diameter (APD) was measured from the basion (the midpoint of the anterior margin of the FM) to the opisthion (the midpoint of the posterior margin of the FM).
Second, the dystopic os odontoideum is cranially displaced usually fused to the basion of the clivus.
The plane of the foramen magnum is created by interconnecting the basion with the opisthion points of the osseous foramen magnum.
No Anatomical landmarks definitions 1 Minimum frontal breadth Distance between the two frontotemporale (ft) 2 Biorbital breadth Distance between right and left ectoconchion (ec) 3 Bizygomatic diameter Distance between most lateral points on the zygomatic arches 4 Nasal breadth Maximum breadth of the nasal aperture 5 Orbital height Distance between the superior and inferior orbital margins 6 Foramen magnum breadth Distance between the lateral margins of foramen magnum at the points of greatest lateral curvature 7 Foramen magnum length Distance from basion (ba) to opisthion (o) 8 Foramen ovale Distance between left and right of foramen ovale 9 Foramen spinosum Distance between left and right of foramen spinosum Table 4: Dimensional measurements of dry skull and CAD models.
(1) The foramen magnum length (FML) direct distance from basion to opisthion
Farmers at Qaransho village in Basion area in Gharbeya Governorate harvested their rice crops in late September, ending a season which they described as "one of the best in recent years".
Anterior boundary: line connecting the anterior nasal spine (ANS) and the apex of the nasal bone; posterior boundary: line extending from sella (S) to posterior nasal spine (PNS); superior boundary: line connecting basion or the highest point on the nasal bone 1 mm inferior to the edge of the field of view and S; and inferior boundary: line extending from ANS to PNS.