

the arrangement of military troops prepared for battlea body of military troops prepared for battle
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But, when he goes abroad on solemn days, he is attended, for state, by a military guard of five hundred horse, which, indeed, I thought was the most splendid sight that could be ever beheld, till I saw part of his army in battalia, whereof I shall find another occasion to speak.
Would not they batter it down in ten days, that an army might enter in battalia; or blow it up in the air, foundation and all, that there should be no sign of it left?"--"Ay, ay," says he, "I know that." The Chinese wanted mightily to know what I said to the pilot, and I gave him leave to tell him a few days after, for we were then almost out of their country, and he was to leave us a little time after this; but when he knew what I said, he was dumb all the rest of the way, and we heard no more of his fine story of the Chinese power and greatness while he stayed.
drawn up in a regular battalia, as though in a hostile city, our hearts
Its much-talked about 2012 production of 'Battalia Royale,' an adaptation of the Japanese 'Battle Royale' franchise, won the group a following for its use of a 'live-action game performance' where the audience decided on the student characters' fate.
Commemorating the nearby battle of Edgehill, visitors can come face to face with the sights and sounds of the English Civil War, with 17th century living history and dramatic displays by Fairfax Battalia. There will be 17th century cooking and officer dining in the military campsite.
The recording also contains an "educational" track--within a small area, Donino Garsi's Battalia guides you through the rhythmic typology of the time.
The piece was La Battalia, and the audience should be forgiven apprehension when a piece is precluded by the words "trust me, it's supposed to sound like that" But what fun it was!
The piece was "La Battalia", and the audience should be forgiven apprehension when a piece is precluded by the words "trust me, it's supposed to sound like that" But what fun it was!
Penney announced that an executive search led by Battalia Winston is underway to identify a new Chief Tax Counsel.
The number of expected corporate holiday parties this year reached a 20-year low, according to a survey on corporate holiday celebrations by Amrop Battalia Winston Amrop, a national executive search firm with offices in Boston.
It will feature the Fairfax Battalia of the English Civil War Society and the story they will re-enact will be of the Batt family returning to their country home for Christmas 1648.
In their F edition (2006b: 309), they emend F's "Battaliaes" not as "battalions" (usually adopted from Q2's "battalians") but as "battalia" (4.1.77 /TLN 2816);7 and, more conspicuously, they have reorganized the act and scene division, making the traditional 4.1 part of the closet scene 3.4 (and then traditional 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 become 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 respectively), with traditional 4.5 starting the Fourth Act.