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(Ceramics) trademark
a. a kind of thin fragile porcelain with a lustrous glaze
b. (as modifier): a Belleek vase.
[named after Belleek, a town in Northern Ireland where such porcelain is made]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



a fragile Irish porcelain with a bright luster. Also called Belleek′ ware`.
[1865–70; after Belleek, town in Northern Ireland where it is made]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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While Barry gulped twenty-five cent tea from a large and heavy mug, Mercedes sipped three-dollar tea from a tiny cup of Belleek, rose-tinted, fragile as all egg-shell.
They produced Belleek porcelain that was as fine in quality as Irish Belleek.
Whether you like adding bang-on-trend detail or lean towards a more classic look you'll find plenty to suit your taste and budget at Fishbowl Giftware department at RightPrice Coleraine, with such well-known brands as Woodwick, Catherine Lansfield, Christy Towels, Scatterbox Cushions, Belleek Giftware, to name a few.
Originally from Belleek in Co Fermanagh, Fil and Tom - who hails from Belfast - have performed all over Europe, Ireland, the USA, Australia and UK, at festivals and folk clubs, on radio and TV.
Tours of Mayo, Lissadell House, the Belleek Pottery, the National Trustowned Florence Court (entrance payable locally for non-members) & 'Yeats Country' including a cruise on idyllic Lough Gill ?
According to the union, the bank is proposing to close its High Street presence in Antrim, Maghera and Newtownards, as well as Belleek, Castlederg, Castlereagh, City Hall (Belfast) and Draperstown.
Donegal & the Wild Atlantic Way 6 days from PS549, 30 April 2016 Discover a wild and wonderful corner of Ireland on this leisurely holiday, which includes a cruise around Donegal Bay and along Lough Gill, a visit to the historical Doagh Famine Village and Glenveagh Castle, and a tour of the Belleek Pottery factory.
A woman was assaulted at a house on Newry Road, Belleek, Co Fermanagh, at around 6.20am.
This week it was a sale of Belleek porcelain (yes, I know, it's Irish, not English, but you get my drift).
A Belleek tea set of shamrock shape with harp handles worth PS100-PS250 A fine four-strand Belleek basket smothered in floral decoration and a tour de force of ceramic art.
SAVE: PS30 5 Ivory Belleek designer two hearts necklace, Debenhams.