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(Chemistry) relating to benzyl
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Adj.1.benzylic - relating to benzyl
chemical science, chemistry - the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions
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As a result, a benzylic carbon radical intermediate might be produced, which, after rearrangement, could form an irreversible complex with the enzyme.
Kaur, "Benzylic and pyridinium head groups controlled surfactant-polymer aggregates of mixed cationic micelles and anionic polyelectrolytes," Colloid and Polymer Science, vol.
The 4-bromobenzyl moiety in the molecule was corroborated by an A 2 B 2 spin system represented by two ortho-coupled doublets at I' 7.38 (br.d, J = 8.0 Hz, 2H, H-3'' and H-5'') and 7.12 (br.d, J = 8.4 Hz, 2H, H-2'' and H-6'') in the aromatic region of its 1 H-NMR spectrum along with a benzylic methylene singlet at I' 4.69 (s, 2H, CH 2 -7'').
(23) released that benzylic proton (Ar-CH=C) of 4-(2-chloro-4,5-dimethoxybenzylidene)-2-methyl-5-oxazolone was at 6.91 ppm and that if there were only one signal for the benzylic proton, this showed that Z-isomer existed.
Chemical shift/ppm Assignments 9.7-9.9 Cinamaldehydes and benzaldehydes 6.7-7.1 Aromatic-H in guaiacyl 6.2-6.7 Aromatic-H in syringyl 5.8-6.2 Benzylic OH in [beta]-O-4 and [beta]-1 4.9-5.1 Carbohydrates 3.3-4.0 Methoxyl 3.0-3.1 [H.sub.[beta]] in [beta]-1 2.2-2.4 Phenolic OH 1.6-2.2 Aliphatic OH Table 4: Assignments of signals in 13C NMR spectrum to functional groups in lignin [31, 38, 49, 71].
The At4g39230 gene encodes a protein sequence that is similar to phenylcoumaran benzylic ether reductase and has been found to influence the levels of flavonoids [44].
The 1H-NMR range demonstrated the frequency of two singlets at 3.60 and 4.36 due to the N-C[H.sub.3] and benzylic methylene protons, respectively.
The methylol group of the hydroxylmethylolated cardanol, being unstable under acidic conditions, would lose water readily to form a benzylic carbonium ion.
The MSD system is a rational approach to controlling crosslinking rates and yields [23], It is based on the trapping of macro-radicals by C=C addition to give a benzylic radical that is susceptible to fragmentation (Scheme 6) [24, 25].
Deshpande developed polymers with allylic or benzylic amide groups covalently bonded to the polymer molecules.