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An unincorporated city of west-central Maryland, a residential suburb of Washington, DC. The National Institutes of Health and Naval Medical Center are here.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Bible) New Testament a pool in Jerusalem reputed to have healing powers, where a paralysed man was healed by Jesus (John 5:2)
2. (Christian Churches, other) a chapel of any of certain Nonconformist Christian sects
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(bəˈθɛz də)

1. a pool in Biblical Jerusalem believed to have healing powers. John 5:2–4.
2. a city in central Maryland: residential suburb of Washington, D.C. 62,736.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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"This I learned from her benefactress; from the pious and charitable lady who adopted her in her orphan state, reared her as her own daughter, and whose kindness, whose generosity the unhappy girl repaid by an ingratitude so bad, so dreadful, that at last her excellent patroness was obliged to separate her from her own young ones, fearful lest her vicious example should contaminate their purity: she has sent her here to be healed, even as the Jews of old sent their diseased to the troubled pool of Bethesda; and, teachers, superintendent, I beg of you not to allow the waters to stagnate round her."
"We will resume yesterday's discourse, young ladies," said he, "and you shall each read a page by turns; so that Miss a--Miss Short may have an opportunity of hearing you"; and the poor girls began to spell a long dismal sermon delivered at Bethesda Chapel, Liverpool, on behalf of the mission for the Chickasaw Indians.
Lepers, cripples, the blind, and the idiotic, assail you on every hand, and they know but one word of but one language apparently--the eternal "bucksheesh." To see the numbers of maimed, malformed and diseased humanity that throng the holy places and obstruct the gates, one might suppose that the ancient days had come again, and that the angel of the Lord was expected to descend at any moment to stir the waters of Bethesda. Jerusalem is mournful, and dreary, and lifeless.
That was the unsuspecting vision Bethesda Game Studios had when they released the game.
Bethesda Hospice in has four beds to care for terminally ill patients.
New York: Fitch Ratings has downgraded the rating on approximately $39.3 million outstanding health facilities bonds series 2015 issued by the Health and Educational Facilities Authority of the State of Missouri on behalf of Bethesda Health Group (Bethesda) to 'BBB' from 'BBB+'.
In a statement, the Navy said that the Naval Support Activity Bethesda notification system was inadvertently activated while preparing for an upcoming drill, without the words "exercise" or "drill." People who saw the notification contacted security at the Maryland base, which launched an active shooter response.
M2 EQUITYBITES-November 27, 2018-Mednax Acquires Bethesda Outpatient Imaging Center to Expand Radiology Services
NORTH WALES RUGBY ROUND-UP By DAVE JONES BETHESDA are the early pacesetters in WRU Division One North after making it two wins on the bounce with a 26-21 verdict at Llangefni.
is disputing allegations made in a suit against the company by Bethesda, which claims that Warner Bros and "Westworld" video game developer Behavior Interactive re-used source code from Bethesda's 2015 game "Fallout Shelter," reports.
Hill Slowinski, an award-winning Top Producer and Gold Team residential agent with the Bethesda-based All Points office of Long & Foster Real Estate, has been re-elected as vice president of The Greater Bethesda Chamber of Commerce.<br />Slowinski has served on the chamber's board since 2014 and on its executive committee as vice president since 2017.

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