
Beylik is a Turkish word, meaning "the territory under the jurisdiction of a Bey", and may refer to:

  • Duchy or principality, typically in the Middle East
  • Beylik of Çubukoğulları
  • Beylik of Bafra
  • Beylik of Hacıemir, an beylik in the north Anatolia in a part of 14th and 15th centuries
  • Beylik of Dulkadir, one of the frontier principalities
  • Beylik of Erzincan, a principality in East Anatolia, Turkey in the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries
  • Beylik, Karacabey
  • Beylik of Tacettin, a small Turkmen principality in Anatolia in the 14th and 15th centuries
  • Beylik of Tunis
  • Anatolian beyliks, Rasulid dynasty
  • Beuluk, a member of the Ottoman Sultan's janissary bodyguard
  • Bəylik (disambiguation), places in Azerbaijan
  • Beylik, administrative units (historic divisions) of Crimean Khanate in Tatar Crimea
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