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1. slang US and Canadian a small bundle of possessions carried by a homeless person
2. (Recreational Drugs) a small paper packet containing drugs
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"I know your kind--brave as lions when it comes to pullin' miserable, broken-spirited bindle stiffs, but as leery as a yellow dog when you face a man.
Officers found seven hypodermic needles on Jones, who admitted he had swallowed a bindle of methamphetamine.
While the traditional dog, sticks and bindle are all there, the barest of landscapes is sketched in, usually a few tufts of grass.
The final exit," he wrote along with the photo in which he is seen wearing a CGI suit while carrying a bindle.
Many, like school-teacher Grace Bindle, intended to be in Thompson only a short while.
When I called Bindle and Keep founder Daniel Friedman on a Thursday afternoon, he was in a car en route to Boro Park, Brooklyn, to meet with an Orthodox rabbi who was going to advise him on the forecast of his romantic future.
So he went to Bindle & Keep, a bespoke suit company that specializes in such concerns.
I am much obliged to the following individuals who responded to my inquiries and helped me access digital images of the Wilton Processional: David Bindle of the University of Saskatchewan; Barbara B.
John Anson Ford Papers, Box 76, Bindle on the Negro, F2 (1938).
Joseph Madden (John Wayne) calls to a fellow GI (Paul Fix), "Hey, Bindle...How's your pitchin' arm?" Bindle then heaves a grenade at the enemy, and it's the equivalent of a 100-mph strike.
Now, with trendy labels like Hood By Air and Eckhaus Latta continuing to stick their middle fingers up at archaic stereotypes, and LGBQT tailor Bindle & Keep about to hit HBO in a Lena Dunham-produced documentary, it seems gender-progressive style is finally on the verge of going mainstream.