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(bə-kä′chō, -chē-ō′)
n. pl. bo·cac·cios
A large edible rockfish (Sebastes paucispinis) of eastern Pacific waters, having a long lower jaw and a reddish-brown body.

[Alteration (perhaps influenced by Italian boccaccia, ugly mouth, or the name Boccaccio) of American Spanish bocacho, from Spanish bocacha, big mouth, from boca, mouth, from Old Spanish, from Latin bucca, cheek.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(bəˈkætʃəʊ; bəˈkætʃɪəʊ)
a species of rockfish, Sebastes paucispinis, commonly found along the west coast of North America
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(bəˈkɑ tʃoʊ, -tʃiˌoʊ, boʊ-)

n., pl. -cios.
a large, brown, big-mouthed rockfish, Sebastes paucispinis, of California coastal waters.
[1885–90; < Italian boccaccio ugly mouth, derivative of bocc(a) mouth < Latin bucca]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
As Panofky later put it, "Giotto's figures are treated as individuals individually reacting to one another;" he conquers "the third dimension by manipulating the plastic contents of space rather than space itself." (16) But, for Hegel, accordingly, this new art portrayed (as did Shakespeare's) the drama, the "stage" of "the modern world," its "actual present"--what he called elsewhere "the world of prose and of every day." (17) Here he cites the praise of Giotto's friend Bocaccio, who said of him that "nature produces nothing which Giotto cannot imitate, to the point of deception." (18)
Anyway, Ariosto is always echoing Dante above all, though, just like Bocaccio himself in both the cases mentioned above.
(7) Al respecto, Bocaccio, en la Novela Primera de El Decameron, pone en boca de un personaje la siguiente frase: <<Tu me has dicho que has sido mercader: ?has enganado alguna vez a alguien como hacen los mercaderes?>>
Using experiments and expert judgement to model catchability of Pacific rockfishes in trawl surveys, with application to bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) off British Columbia.--Fish.
What we are all familiar with, at least in general terms, is Bocaccio's criticism of the medieval church, his satirizing of drunken, randy priests and nuns (surely the Decameron is ground zero for the term randy), selfishness, greed, theft, bribery, and irreverence.
Viva Voluptuous Arielle plus size swimsuit PS47, Paolita Mughal swimsuit PS195, Peacocks blue bandeau swimsuit PS14 (was PS20), Jane Norman spearmint textured low back swimsuit PS25, Figleaves Monaco lux bandeau tummy control swimsuit PS42, Sixty Ninety Absinthe Margarita one-piece PS60, J by Jasper Conran orange halter neck tummy control swimsuit PS29.40 (was PS42), Animal Bocaccio swimsuit PS50, Ted Baker Gem Garden cupped swimsuit PS80,
Throughout the state, anglers also target lingcod, Ophiodon elongates; vermillion rockfish, Sebastes miniatus; bocaccio, S.
Michael Gerli analyzes it with regard to Cancionero lyric, the Ars Moriendi, and Bocaccio, suggesting that Leriano engages in a "last rites" for a courtly lover; see Michael Gerli, "Leriano's Libation: Notes on the Cancionero Lyric, Ars Moriendi, and the Probable Debt to Boccaccio," MLN 96.2 (1981): 414-20.