

without bonds, unrestrained
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Heading in the same direction, we will keep driving bondless connectivity in the cloud and delivering a more dynamic yet efficient storage.
So today, me ….who is respected by all in my "little tower" back home was taken for a housemaid in this emotionless and bondless society of Dubai.
She has a vast knowledge and bondless energy that amazes me.
We have been surprised and embraced with bondless generosity and kindness."
Her telling is powerful because her language is fresh and bondless. Taking the position of God, her "Bible" is a book of her self-created words: Now it was all true and there would never again be doubt.
This last quote comes from the poem "Imitations," which not only consists of imitations of"masters" such as Wyatt and Marlowe, but seems even to address the anthropomorphized figure of "Imitation," herself a lover who wishes to keep Williams bound in aesthetic servitude: For I can but wrong thee, thou never can'st move This bondless, wild heart to inhabit thy sphere.
concludes with a brief discussion of the "absolute" as "the bondless bond that in Speech and Phenomena (pp.
Half a century of peering into what Marcus Aurelius called the "bondless abyss of the past" has left me uncertain about the net influence of historical knowledge on human behavior.
This new political "community without a community" constitutes "friendship without memory of itself, by fidelity, by the gentleness and rigour of fidelity, bondless friendship...for the solitary one on the part of the solitary" (295).
But with the franchise reinvigorated -- the six years prior to 1995's "GoldenEye" were Bondless -- Cubby's heirs seem to be stepping out of their father's shadow.
The bondless men, women, and children constitute one of the largest aberrant populations in the world today, contributing far beyond their numbers to social disease and disorder.