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or braill·er  (brā′lər)
A machine similar to a typewriter, used for printing in Braille. Also called Braillewriter.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a device for producing text in Braille
2. a person who transcribes or creates Braille. Also called: braillewriter
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
CHRISTMAS has come early for little Eryn Kirkpatrick who wrote her first letter to Santa with her new brailler.
While working as vice president of the Perkins School for the Blind and general manager of Perkins Products, Morgan led the development of an upgrade to Perkins' bestselling product, the Perkins Brailler.
And now the visually-impaired sevenyear-old is enjoying them even more thanks to a new state-of-the-art brailler imported from America.
And now the visually impaired seven-year-old is enjoying them even more thanks to a new state-ofthe-art Brailler imported from America.
Alone with his dog, Boule--a character in its own right--Jos describes their fear when they hear something large "with a pair of flamin' eyes, which starts a-gruntin' and a groanin', then laughin' and bawlin', then rollin' around onna floor" ("avec une paire de z'yeux de flammes [...] qui s'met a grogner, pis a rire, pis a brailler, pis a s'rouler su' l'dos;" 614) in the cabin with them in the dark.
He has also created Virtual Brailler, an e-book reader for blind people which can convert written text to braille as it scans across a text.
Here are but a few examples: "et passant dans son cabinet avec le plus vieux des fouteurs, Therese et la Desgranges, on l'entendit brailler quelques minutes apres, sans qu'il [Durcet] voulut au retour faire part a la compagnie des exces auxquels il venait de se livrer." (30) In another example, Sade hides behind the narrative, stating that "on ne sait trop ce qu'il y fit, mais on entendit un grand cri de femme, et, peu apres, les hurlements de sa decharge." (31) Despite the narrator's seeming reluctance or inability to share precise details of the rooms or the activities that take place within them, the libertine's ultimate victory is never left to doubt.
Morgan was presented the award for his work on the Perkins' SMART Brailler, a new interactive learning tool designed to help people who are blind learn to read and write more independently.
Marion Robinson read aloud from each text while her husband embossed it, possibly by hand using a slate and stylus specifically designed for point writing, but more likely mechanically using one of the typewriter-like devices (e.g., the Kleidograph [for New York Point], the Braille Writer, or the Perkins Brailler) that had become available after 1890 for point writing.