

(Horse Training, Riding & Manège) the strap of a horse's bridle that goes across the forehead
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The edge of the beaded browband has large seed beads sewn every 1/8 inch.
The super-supple bridle range from Mountain Horse - the Gaspari with diamante browband and the Fairytale bridle with top-stitching, are priced at a very affordable PS79, and are cut "just a little bit different."
* Billingham Forum was the first venue in the world to house both leisure and sport facilities in one building * A Roman cavalry helmet found in 1864 near Guisborough has a browband decorated with shrines housing the deities of war Victory, Mars and Minerva * The only known Anglo-Saxon Royal burial site in the North-east is at Loftus.
There was no mistaking Mikey the Pikey's horse - as it sported a Burberry lookalike browband.
A coloured browband should enhance the head, not swamp it.
In fact, if you stuck a black plume in her browband she would have been the ideal horse to pull great-aunt Gertie's hearse to her final place of planting.
A goat's bridle does not need a throat lash or a browband. If the goat has horns the head piece can go between the horns and the ears.
He is pictured wearing typical regalia favored by Sioux Wild West show performers, including an eagle feather warbonnet with beaded browband and silk ribbon trim, store-bought shirt and vest, silk scarf, narrow armbands--possibly brass or quillwork-and peace medal.
"I've always thought a lot of him but it took three months to even put a browband on him - you couldn't go near his head," said Henderson.
Around the turn of the nineteenth century, the Sioux began to decorate their ceremonial eagle feather warbonnets with pairs of beaded rosettes positioned at either side of the browband. (Fig.

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