

(Animals) dialect Canadian a biting crane fly
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References in periodicals archive ?
Gaspar Brasserie in San Francisco, for instance, offers the Cafe Brulot, a classic New Orleans after-dinner drink; it's served tableside, where it is set aflame before being extinguished with coffee.
Les sept Coptes (chretiens d'Egypte) sont accuses en lien avec le film "Innocence of Muslims" ("L'Innocence des Musulmans"), un brulot a tres petit budget a offense de nombreux musulmans.
Charles Mame, repere sans aucun doute par le consul etant donnee sa participation a la diffusion d'un ecrit bonapartiste, n'est pas juge dangereux, pas plus que Joseph Desnoues l'imprimeur de ce qui, sous la Restauration, etait un abominable brulot en faveur de l'usurpateur.
Quelques jours plus tard, les Temoins de Jehovah entreprennent au Quebec une campagne intensive de distribution d'un veritable brulot, La haine ardente du Quebec pour Dieu, pour Christ, et pour la liberte, est un sujet de honte pour tout le Canada, qui denonce leur persecution par les catholiques et qui en impute la responsabilite a la domination des pretres (6).
Young includes: Italian espresso, cappuccino and latte; hot and iced coffees from Vietnam and Thailand; elegant coffee extravaganzas from old Vienna; classic coffee milkshakes and sodas; French cafe au hit; and coffee cocktails such as New Orleans cafe brulot and London's vodka espresso.
Both houses would have been redolent with the sweet smell of freshly cut greenery and the orange scent of cafa brulot, decorated with flickering candles and baskets of poinsettias, and echoing with the sound of laughter.
Listing all types of coffee drinks and tripe dishes and expressions related to coffee unnecessarily exaggerates the role of Arabic: cafe, cafe au kirsch, cafe au lait, cafe brulot, cafe chantant, cafe dansant, cafe complet, cafe concert, cafe con leche, cafe noir, cafe nature, cafe parfait, cafe royale, coffee royal, coffee klat(s)ch - and klat(s)ch as a shortening of coffee-klat(s)ch.
Agnes De Louhard, who was to die even before her will could be registered (usually a matter of days after the utterance), listed over a dozen gifts of cloth (blanquet, toilles and tissue), dresses, coats, beds and other clothing.(15) Pierronne Bonnier took less space to dispose of her few properties, but she did manage gifts to the church (houplandes), to a female cousin (a coat, belt, purse and cloak), and to the daughter of a certain Andrieu Brulot (a coat of black drap), before she granted a niece her house and divided the rest of her estate between the niece and another relative, whom Bonnier asked to arrange masses for her soul and for the soul of her husband.(16)
Or serve a Cafe Brulot. Place the peel of an orange and a lemon, a two-inch stick of cinnamon, six whole cloves, sugar (to taste) and six ounces of cognac in a heated bowl.