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Related to butyryl: butanoyl


a radical of butyric acid
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References in periodicals archive ?
Moreover, Benzoyl Chloride, 4-Chloro Butyryl Chloride, Pivaloyl Chloride, n-Valeroyl Chloride and Neo-decanoyl Chloride are expected to hold major share in the domestic acid chlorides market owing to its extensive application in polymer and pesticides sector.
Acylated chitosans were prepared via acylation with short acyl groups such as butyryl and hexanoyl and also medium acyl groups included octanoyl and decanoyl onto low molecular weight chitosan (25 kDa).
Fentanyl derivatives, such as acetyl fentanyl, furanyl fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil, remifentanil, carfentanil, 3-methyl fentanyl, acrylfentanyl, butyryl fentanyl, parafluorofentanyl and others, can be a hundred times stronger than fentanyl itself.
Cholinesterases namely, acetyl and butyryl cholinesterase, terminate neuronal transmission by hydrolyzing acetylcholine, the main neurotransmitter involved in the cholinergic system (Samaradivakara et al 2016).
The authors [10] modified potato starch by butyryl chlorides, capryloyl, lauryl, palmitoyl, and oleyl.
3Methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one, propionyl chloride, and butyryl chloride were purchased from Sigma Aldrich and used as received for the synthesis of the 4-acylpyrazolone precursors.
([section]) The 25 compounds are 1) 1-3-methylfentanyl; 2) 4-ANPP; 3) acetyl fentanyl; 4) acetyl fentanyl 4-methylphenethyl; 5) acryl fentanyl; 6) alfentanil; 7) betahydroxythiofentanyl; 8, 9) butyryl fentanyl/isobutyryl fentanyl; 10) butyryl norfentanyl; 11) carfentanil; 12) despropionyl para-fluorofentanyl; 13) fentanyl; 14) furanyl fentanyl; 15) furanyl norfentanyl; 16) norfentanyl; 17, 18) fluorobutyryl/fluoroisobutyrylfentanyl; 19) para-methoxyfentanyl; 20) remifentanil; 21) remifentanil metabolite; 22) sufentanil; 23) valeryl fentanyl; 24) AH7921; and 25) U-47700.
Exposure to OP pesticides were mainly measured in three ways: (1) using dialkyl phosphate (DAP) metabolites collected from urine (2) using pesticide-specific metabolites found in urine and (3) measuring cholinesterase (ChE) and butyryl cholinesterase (BChE) [3].
ESTIMATION OF CHOLINESTERASE: PRINCIPLE: REACTIONS INVOLVED IN THE CHOLINESTERASE ASSAY ARE AS FOLLOWS: Cholinesterase hydrolyses Butyryl thiocholine to from thiocholine which reacts with 5.5- dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB) to yield coloured 5MNBA which is measured spectrophotometric ally at 410nm.
Similarly butyryl-CoA is firstly converted into butyryl phosphate and butyrate is produced from butyryl phosphate.
Plasma esterase-1 (ES-1) activity in rats is influenced by the amount and type of dietary fat, and butyryl cholinesterase activity by the type of dietary fat.