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v. ca·joled, ca·jol·ing, ca·joles
1. To persuade by flattery, gentle pleading, or insincere language: "He knew how she cajoled him into getting things for her and then would not even let him kiss her" (Theodore Dreiser).
2. To elicit or obtain by flattery, gentle pleading, or insincere language: The athlete cajoled a signing bonus out of the team's owner.
To use flattery, pleading, or insincere language in an attempt to persuade someone to do something: "She complained and he cajoled, bribing her with dollar bills for landing ten [figure skating] jumps in a row" (Joan Ryan).

[French cajoler, possibly blend of Old French cageoler, to chatter like a jay (from geai, jai, jay; see jay2) and Old French gaioler, to lure into a cage (from gaiole, jaiole, cage; see jail).]

ca·jol′er n.
ca·jol′er·y (-jō′lə-rē) n.
ca·jol′ing·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Thompson, a master schmoozer and cajoler, didn't try tackling nearly as many huge, generational changes all at once like Pritzker did in his first session.
"Just keep it simple," said Thierry Henry, which applied equally to the Paul Pogba footage he was talking over and to Ferdinand's unconvincing attempt at pronouncing "cajoler".
"Becks was very much a cajoler, someone who would put his arm around your shoulder.