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a routine that is called by another routine
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(80.) For an in-depth discussion of the Morrison Court's conception of where transactions take place, see Christopher Callee, Can't See the Forest for the Trees: Where Does a Purchase or Sale of Securities Occur?, 2 Am.
•Options to easily add custom call record data properties (like Caller, Callee, Frequency) and operations (like PTT, Squelch, Call Hold)
* Call SBB: this SBB handles the sip signaling needed to initiate a voice call by sending an invite message to a predefined callee and establishing a session between both end points.
I am forever grateful to Callee Soltys for introducing me to this book.
The word 'survivor' is because I kicked cancer's butt!" Callee Mawdsley said: "My tattoo is of my dad riding his Honda to the pearly gates.