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Variant of cattalo.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -loes or -los
(Breeds) a variant spelling of cattalo
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The prizes and product sponsors include Adrien Gagnon, CATALO Natural Health Foods Ltd., EyeCare HK, HKTaxi App Limited, Sanotact (HK) Limited (Impact Mints), One Health International Limited, Resorts World Sentosa and Tsit Wing Coffee Co., Ltd.
Members of the Manila Police District Station 9 nabbed Rose Franco, 45 Marie Catalo, 37 Ann Margaret Villanueva, 34 Juvelyn Tabligan, 42, and John Gilbert Alfonso, 38, along Mabini street.
7, 2005, then Chief State Prosecutor Jovencito Zuno approved the resolution of Manila 3rd Assistant City Prosecutor Leandro Catalo finding probable cause to charge Ty et al.
Catalo and his colleagues presented a novel smart method for prediction based on wavelet transform and fuzzy art map [1].
Catalo, "Fatty acid composition and lipid peroxidation induced by ascorbate-[Fe.sup.2+] in different organs of goose (Anser anser)," Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C, vol.
In 2007 he became Associate Professor in the Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunication Department from the Open University of Catalo nia (UOC).
Since then I have worked my way through a lot of Scandinavian crime fiction, rediscovered libraries, particularly online catalo gues, and made regular trips to the Post Office to pick up Amazon packages that were too big to fit through the lette rbox.
Este analisis fue realizado, teniendo como referencia a su vez, el catalo go de servicios y prestaciones que la nueva Ley consideraria como basicos y prioritarios en su articulo 15 y que deberian ser prestados desde la oferta publica de la red de Servicios Sociales de las Comunidades Autonomas.
The petroleum directorate also approved the transfer of a 30% interest in the field Estella do Mar and a 15% interest in Catalo Marino from Queiroz Galvao to Norse Energy do Brasil.