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adj, champier or champiest
obsolete (of earth) churned up by the feet or hooves of animals
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Featured speakers included San Francisco Giants Senior VP & CIO, Bill Schlough; Google Cloud Leader of Interactive & Conversational AI Products, Adam Champy; and renowned visionary & bestselling author, Geoffrey Moore.
In two different studies Champy et al16 and Cawood et al17 concluded that incidence of infection and wound dehiscence can be controlled by performing miniplate osteosynthesis as soon as possible after injury.
The rigid fixation technique using plates as developed by Michelet and modified by Champy et al.
On this side the fracture was reduced and fixated with a 4-hole with center space noncompression titanium miniplate (Synthes, Michigan, USA) along the external oblique ridge according to Champy et al.
(3, 5) With the above considerations, in recent times two systems have been studied commonly namely 3 dimensional (3D) and the locking miniplate with its comparison to conventional miniplates using Champy's principle.
Some of my favorite producers in this region include Domaine Carrette, Domaine Dutron, Trenel and Ernest Meurgey-Perron (from Pierre Meurgey, who formerly ran Domaine Champy).
A business process can be defined as any sequence of interrelated activities which transforms inputs into valuable outputs for a customer (Hammer and Champy, Reengineering the corporation, 2003).
The variability observed in the intensity of the color can be assigned to different classes of lactonic compounds such as acetogenins presentatvarious concentrations (Champy et al., 2009).