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Related to chirm: egregiously, notoriety, revised, subtle


(Zoology) the chirping of birds
(Zoology) (intr) (esp of a bird) to chirp
[Old English cierm noise; related to Old Saxon karm]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


 a din or chatter, hence, finches collectively, 1430. See also charm.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: chirmed
Gerund: chirming

I chirm
you chirm
he/she/it chirms
we chirm
you chirm
they chirm
I chirmed
you chirmed
he/she/it chirmed
we chirmed
you chirmed
they chirmed
Present Continuous
I am chirming
you are chirming
he/she/it is chirming
we are chirming
you are chirming
they are chirming
Present Perfect
I have chirmed
you have chirmed
he/she/it has chirmed
we have chirmed
you have chirmed
they have chirmed
Past Continuous
I was chirming
you were chirming
he/she/it was chirming
we were chirming
you were chirming
they were chirming
Past Perfect
I had chirmed
you had chirmed
he/she/it had chirmed
we had chirmed
you had chirmed
they had chirmed
I will chirm
you will chirm
he/she/it will chirm
we will chirm
you will chirm
they will chirm
Future Perfect
I will have chirmed
you will have chirmed
he/she/it will have chirmed
we will have chirmed
you will have chirmed
they will have chirmed
Future Continuous
I will be chirming
you will be chirming
he/she/it will be chirming
we will be chirming
you will be chirming
they will be chirming
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been chirming
you have been chirming
he/she/it has been chirming
we have been chirming
you have been chirming
they have been chirming
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been chirming
you will have been chirming
he/she/it will have been chirming
we will have been chirming
you will have been chirming
they will have been chirming
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been chirming
you had been chirming
he/she/it had been chirming
we had been chirming
you had been chirming
they had been chirming
I would chirm
you would chirm
he/she/it would chirm
we would chirm
you would chirm
they would chirm
Past Conditional
I would have chirmed
you would have chirmed
he/she/it would have chirmed
we would have chirmed
you would have chirmed
they would have chirmed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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References in periodicals archive ?
KNOWN FOR: Bull in a Chirm Shop, which premiered in New York City at Lincoln Center Theater's LCT3 last year, has been published by Samuel French, and is making the rounds: Chicago, London, San Diego, and even Boise, Idaho.
(129) Similar rationales and decisions are echoed in later cases in the PCIJ including the Oscar Chirm Case (130) and the case of the European Commission of the Danube.
Chirm was a black man in Canton, Mississippi, who in the 1960s owned a farm, a rhythm and blues nightclub, a bootlegging operation, and a large collection of pistols, rifles, and shotguns with which he threatened local Klansmen and police when they attempted to encroach on his businesses or intimidate civil rights activists working to desegregate Canton and register black residents to vote.
Outside the palace, when the crowds first grouped, the presidential guard acted meek as a chirm of finches.
"The Kingdom Likened to a Field of Weeds": The green is not wheat, but mustard/That once sown flourishes to seed./Wherever it falls, it takes hold.//The field, an indelible smear/Of darnel, thistle, and burdock,/Stinks of rank fullness and welter.//A swarm hovers like the wet smoke/Of an effigy set afire/And dragged across the brambled field.//Within its chirm and drone, crows turn./The axle of the sun is locked./No shade falls on the kingdom of weeds.
The later history of the word also suggests its strong association with birds, since "to chirm" is "in Middle and modern English, chiefly restricted to the melodious chatter of or warbling of birds, or of human beings compared to birds" Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., s.v.
"I think we're going through the planning process that any business should go through before getting into a longterm investment that will require our resources, both current and future," Chirm said.
In the Oscar Chirm case, the Permanent Court of International Justice ("PCIJ") considered the interventions of the Belgian Government in the market of shipping trade in the Congo River in the 1930s, which led Mr.
People in the comments keep on asking 'what did she say.' You should clarify or delete this," one user responded while another chirmed, "Not Mindy's problem, Meghan."