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also shott or schott  (shŏt)
1. The depression surrounding a salt marsh or lake, especially in North Africa.
2. The bed of a dried salt marsh.

[French, from Arabic šaṭṭ, bank, coast, from šaṭṭa, to exceed, deviate; see śṭṭ in Semitic roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Physical Geography) a variant spelling of shott
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Il s'est illustre en 1985 par son plaidoyer au Conseil de securite de l'ONU en faveur de la condamnation internationale du raid sanglant israelien contre le quartier general de l'Organisation de liberation de la Palestine a Hammam Chott, dans la banlieue sud de Tunis.
The president of the municipality of Gannouch, Boulbaba Alaya, spoke of the chronic suffering of the inhabitants, particularly those of the cities bordering the industrial zone near Gannouch, Chott Essalem and Bouchemma, tired of broken promises.
Shots of Luke Skywalker's home on the desert planet of Tatooine were taken at the Hotel Sidi Driss in Matmata, Tunisia, while the salt lake of Tunisia's Chott El-Djerid was used as a location for the moisture farm of Luke's aunt and uncle.
There is indeed a third party who wants to take some of these quays to build a chott in Sfax.
(8.) Chott A, Haedicke W, Mosberger I, Fodinger M, Winkler K, Mannhalter C, et al.
Several years ago plans were drawn up for Mauritania's Banda offshore gas field to fuel a power station in Nouak- chott that might have exported its sur- plus production to Senegal.
Luckily we were in a chott and we managed to get through." With the rally returning to Aktau City for the remaining two overnight halts, a mere 8min 38sec separates first from third position in a MINI lock-out of the podium positions.
Stockage dae1/4aoeau de mer dans le Chott alg[euro]u[c]rien
Chott of Chicago has accepted the role of vice president of Distinguished Partners for the North Central Region of the American Cancer Society.
Unique selling points of the property: The property will be a palm oasis by itself, and offers excursions to the Chott El Jerid salt lake, along with a star gazing experience.