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(Units) a unit of time equal to the time that a photon would take to traverse the diameter of an electron: about 10–24 seconds
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Serene has requested Joyce's help in pulling off his latest attempt to manipulate "chronon" particles, a particle discovered by Joyce's older brother, William, that anchors the entire universe to the moorings of time itself.
El testimonio de Er es contundente con relacion a su decision: <<con la ambicion abatida por el recuerdo de las fatigas pasadas [mneme de tonproteronpononphilotimias], buscaba el modo de vida de un particular ajeno a los cargos publicos, dando vueltas mucho tiempo [zetein periiousan chronon polyn bion andros idiotou apragmonos]; no sin dificultad hallo una que quedaba en algun lugar, menospreciada por los demas, y, tras verla, dijo que habria obrado del mismo modo si le hubiera tocado en suerte ser la primera, y la eligio gozosa>>.
Chronon is the vendor's latest ultra-low loss, high-speed laminate and prepreg material engineered to mitigate skew issues in high-speed designs that have differential pairs.
Isola had on hand Chronon, a low-loss, high-speed laminate and prepreg material series said to mitigate skew issues in high-speed designs with differential pairs.
Isola Group has introduced Chronon, the company's latest ultra-low loss, high-speed laminate and prepreg materials engineered to mitigate skew issues in high-speed designs that have differential pairs.
En cambio lo que actualmente tiene puede, no obstante, seguir deseando poseerlo en el futuro (eis ton epeita chronon).
Introduction of a quantum of time ("chronon") and its consequences for quantum mechanics.
There are first the imitation of Minos' laws by the Lacedaimonians, the judgment that under these laws both Crete and Sparta are "made happy for all time" (panta chronon eudaimonei), and the reaffirmation of their divinity.