

full of clutter
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The camera UI on the Zenfone Max Pro is somewhat cluttery and isn't quite aesthetically pleasing as in other phones by Moto or Xiaomi.
In our estimation, this is of most benefit on PFD side, where the addition of new symbology and synthetic vision would otherwise make the view cluttery. It still is somewhat cluttery, but the tradeoff against more data is worth it.
Apparently Zeta-Jones's is constantly messy and she doesn't want her husband to realise how 'cluttery' she is.
``This is definitely not a cluttery place, but then I'm a Virgo so I think that's just the perfec- ti onist in me!''
It's cluttery and, besides, these items distract from your work.
"Every damn weekend, Ray, it's this cluttery old room--"
* Buy "cluttery" (disposable cutlery and paper supplies) at a discount store, and beer (Irish stout and lager).
Actually multiple solutions: An HSI can be optionally overlaid on the flightpath marker, which makes the view a little cluttery or, alternatively, the MFD can be configured with an HSI page, thus in a vertical pairing, you can set-up the best of all worlds.