

timber from trees of the genus Delbergia, including rosewood
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Handle materials are G10 with grip ridges for secure handling, or good looking cocobola. Closed, the Bold Action is 4 1/8" long, weighs 6 ounces and has a tip-down pocket clip.
Each call is accented with a polished stainless steel band, and is available in oiled Cocobola wood or in a custom acrylic version with a black pearl barrel and chartreuse insert.
It has contoured handles made from Cocobola wood, which is held into place by oversized, polished brass rivets.
Made from polished glass and exotic wood, like cocobola from Central America and African ebony from Zaire, the chess set is six feet long and six feet tall, with pieces designed from welded nuts, bolts, and washers.
Q Would you use cocobola for any thing except carvings and such?
Cocobola: Neither brown nor red, this chameleon color is a deep earth hue.
`Some of the workers are affected by the aerial spraying, especially with rashes', Luis Perez Jimenez, 31, a leaf cutter on Compania Banaera Atlantica Ltda (COBAL)'s Cocobola plantation, said through a translator.
Remington Knives for 2003 include the Pioneer Bullet Knife, a two-blade trapper design with cocobola wood handles.
All springs are Wolff brand, the magazine well is beveled, factory grips are cocobola of the double diamond pattern, and there's a slight relief cut under the trigger to allow a more comfortable grip.