

a secondary effect
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The rock burst dynamic system on the original rock stress field is mainly affected by the coeffect of the self-weight stress field and tectonic stress field.
Rock burst is produced by the coeffect of the self-weight stress field and tectonic stress field.
A path B path Direct effects of Type Direct effects of D personality on medication adherence medication adherence on HbA1c Type D -1.903 *** personality (0.235) Medication -0.080 *** adherence (0.021) _cons 10.704 *** 2.082 *** (1.174) (0.510) Adjust- 0.519 0.844 [R.sup.2] P 0.000 0.000 Mediation effect 42.64% C path C' path Direct effects of Type Coeffect of Type D D personality on personality and HbA1c medication compliance Type D 0.357 *** 0.247 ** personality (0.094) (0.102) Medication -0.058 ** adherence (0.022) _cons 1.147** 1.766 *** (0.469) (0.523) Adjust- 0.844 0.847 [R.sup.2] P 0.000 0.000 Mediating effect 54.43% of total effect Note: (1) standard errors in parentheses; * P < 0.1, ** P < 0.05, and *** p < 0.01.
Therefore, Product of Coefficients Approach was employed to estimate indirect effects of Type D personality through medication adherence in a simple mediation model (Figure 1): (1) A path represents the direct effect of Type D personality on medication adherence ([beta] = -1.903, P < 0.01); (2) B path represents the direct effect of medication adherence on HbA1c level at T2 ([beta] = -0.080, P < 0.01); (3) C path represents the direct effect of Type D personality on HbA1c level at T2 ([beta] = 0.357, P < 0.01); (4) C' path presents the coeffects of Type D personality and medication compliance on HbA1c level at T2 ([beta] = 0.247, P < 0.05).
Audible noises generated by irregular vibrations were a coeffect of impulse and amplification system.[sup][49] Proposed mechanisms of squeaking in CoC THA are shown in [Figure 1].
Sample n k [t.sub.1/2] [t.sub.p] Neal MC 2.5526 0.012232 4.862709 4.620049 nylon- 6 MC nylon- 2.5547 0.015889 4.371121 4.156479 6/l%- Si[O.sub.2] MC nylon- 2.6884 0.043251 2.806448 2.705331 6/2%- Si[O.sub.2] MC nylon- 2.8255 0.195884 1.564012 1.525569 6/3%- Si[O.sub.2] MC nylon- 2.7265 0.108643 1.952790 1.896111 6/5%- Si[O.sub.2] MC nylon - 2.6647 0.071995 2.335624 2.24739 6/7%- Si[O.sub.2] [t.sub.c1/2] and [t.sub.p] represent the crystal growth rate, which is the coeffect of nucleating rate and crystal growth rate.
Therefore, 17 differential spots resulted from the age difference, 15 differential spots from the race difference, and 12 differential spots from the coeffect of age and race factors.
Solution driving was controlled by the coeffects of electrokinetic driving and electroosmotic driving after adding high voltage to the 2 ends of the microchannel.
(1986) 'Fearful Expectations and Avoidant Actions as Coeffects of Perceived Self-Inefficacy', American Psychologist 41(12): 1389-91.