

(Chemistry) another word for niobic
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According to the same authors, there may also be cation bridging by columbic attraction or complexation of the carboxylic group with cations bound to negatively charged sites and surface complexation of the carboxyl group with surface ions of Al and Fe.
Regarding the fixed solution parameters with constant effects of viscoelastic and surface tension forces on the polymeric jet, electric forces including the columbic repulsion forces ([F.sub.C]) between charges on the jet surface, which introduce bending instability and whipping motions, and the electrostatic force of applied electric field ([F.sub.E]), which extends the jet and propels it towards the collector in the direction of field lines and controls the jet motion, have interactions to dictate the amplitude of whipping motion of electrospinning jet by changing of applied voltage.
where [SOC.sub.0] represents the initial value of SOC, [C.sub.A] represents capacity of battery, and Z represents the columbic efficiency.
The columbic efficiency (CE), voltage efficiency (VE), and energy efficiency (EE) are defined according to (10):
Being salt marsh species, these plants could withstand highly saline environment which positively affected the conductivity and columbic efficiency [13].
In this model the magnitude of the voltage are used to compute the buildup columbic load using the capacitor block in the model.
The basic elements in QCA are cells; each cell is composed of two mobile electrons that are located in opposite corners according to columbic energy, resulting in two possible polarizations (P = +1, P = -1)as shown in Figure 1(a) [3].
Lovley, Power output and columbic efficiencies from biofilms of Geobacter sulfurreducens comparable to mixed community microbial fuel cells, Environ.