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n, pl -teaux (-ˈtəʊz)
(Tools) a large two-edged knife used formerly as a weapon
[C17: from Old French coutel, from Latin cultellus a little knife, from culter knife, ploughshare]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Le dernier en date, une attaque au couteau dans le quartier de l'Opera a Paris le 12 mai, a fait un mort.
"Paul Couteau [at Nice Observatory] calls attention ...
Il demeurera cependant sous l'influence de Hassan al-Tourabi, qui, en 1992, lors d'un voyage a Ottawa, est attaque au couteau par un emigre soudanais.
SOUTHWELL: 2.10 Mac Le Couteau, 2.40 Gin Cobbler, 3.10 Rhapando, 3.45 Lawless Island, 4.20 Peggy Do, 4.55 The Road Ahead, 5.25 Modulus.
Mac Le Couteau (3.05) made arespectable debut over fences at Ludlow in November and should be able to build on that eort if he is fully fit after a break.
Le jeune a ete arrete en possession d'un couteau et de la Zatla et conduit a un poste de police pour completer les investigations.
Along with its sweet bites you can also enjoy a selection of snacks, large salads and mains including their 'Tartare De Boeuf Au Couteau Facon Angelina' Hand Cut Beef Tartar, ' Filet De Bar' Fillet of Seabass or 'Ravioli A La Truffle' Truffle Ravioli.
Along with sweet bites you can also enjoy a selection of snacks, large salads and mains including 'Tartare De Boeuf Au Couteau Facon Angelina' Hand Cut Beef Tartar, ' Filet De Bar' Fillet of Seabass or 'Ravioli A La Truffle' Truffle Ravioli.