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vb (intr)
(Statistics) statistics to vary in correlation with another related variant
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Although the SIC is EEG based, it includes select clinical features (eg, loss of consciousness (LOC), altered mental status (AMS)) that covary with the presence of structural brain injury.
ANCOVA: analysis of covariance is used to control the effects of other continuous variables when they covary with the dependent variable.
Linking the field and laboratory, other cyprinid studies have found that species such as Blacknose Dace exhibit swimming performance values that covary with current velocity and basin (Nelson et al.
A longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis was undertaken, which included all observed and latent variables from each time point with freely estimated parameters (all the observed indicators of latent variables and the errors of each indicator were specified to covary over time).
Finally, the measurement errors of three indicators that referenced whether the object was viewed as logical (i.e., one for essay quality, one for student ability, and one for instructor competence) were allowed to covary due to the expectation that that a general method effect would cause these indicators to covary.
We use the forecast data to reexamine whether the size, value, and momentum factor returns covary with changes in macroeconomic expectations consistent with the factors acting as proxies for undiversifiable sources of macroeconomic risk.
It was found that as the mat densities covary, volumetric specific heat values are independent of the mixing ratios (ANCOVA, P = 0.552).
While tethering does not quantify absolute mortality, the technique has been widely applied to study predation risk under the assumption that methodological artifacts do not covary among habitats (Linehan el al., 2001).
The wavelet coherence analysis is capable of identifying regions in time-frequency domain where the two time series covary. Following Torrence and Webster [19], the coherence phase is defined as [tan.sup.-1] [imaginary part of {[W.sup.XY.sub.n](s)}/real part of {[W.sup.XY.sub.n](s)}], and the wavelet coherence of the two time series is given as follows: