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1. a slow and gradual movement
2. (Electrical Engineering) electrical engineering the gradual loss of electricity across a dielectric surface
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkri pɪdʒ)

2. slow, imperceptible movement.
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References in periodicals archive ?
ENPNewswire-August 28, 2019--AKM releases ultra-high accuracy unipolar coreless current sensor supporting 60Arms with more than 8mm of Creepage / Clearance Distance
So the wheel diameter difference in anti phase will greatly deteriorate the wheel/rail wear, while the wheel wear is kept in a low lever for the wheel diameter difference in same phase, which is mainly due to the lateral offset of front and rear wheelsets towards the same direction, it can effectively reduce the wheel diameter difference when locomotive is running on the tangent track, at the same time, it also can reduce the wheelset yaw angle and the creepage, so the wear number is small.
They must be checked to ensure live parts are not exposed, wires are not frayed, and "creepage and clearance" distances - these measure insulation effectiveness - are within regulations.
Also the algorithms developed by Kalker have been recently improved by Vollebregt, by increasing the accuracy of FASTSIM in the FASTSIM2 version [14] and implementing in the more complex CONTACT code the effect of "falling friction" versus the creepage [15, 16], which was already introduced by Polach in his extended method [13, 17].
Available in industry-compatible pin-outs, the transceivers are packaged in a wide-body 16-pin SOIC package with 8mm of creepage and clearance and operate over the -40-degree Celsius to +125-degree Celsius temperature range.
In a steady state, IRW has no longitudinal creepage [1]; accordingly there is no longitudinal creep force and the gyroscopic moment generated solely by gyroscopic creep is also very small.
This configuration isolates the coil from pins achieving a greater creepage distance between them, explained Gerard Healy, Product Manager, Pulse Electronics Power Business Unit (Pulse Power Division).
Those include gloss reduction, change of color, change of adhesion strength, development of surface defects, and growth of rust creepage at the scribe.