

exceptionally or markedly
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References in periodicals archive ?
It was cryingly obvious in the January window that Newcastle needed to urgently address their defence and buy a goalscoring striker.
For instance, in Arthur Penn's "Bonnie and Clyde" (1967), when the title characters go to the movies after a botched robbery, their reactions am a study in contrast Bonnie (Faye Dunaway) is engrossed in the Depression-era escapism of the "We're in the Money" number from Mervyn LeRoy's "Gold Diggers of 1933" (1933), but Clyde (Warren Beatty) cryingly struggles with the fact he has just killed a man.
During her individual counseling sessions, #B cryingly gave catharsis of accumulated negative feelings for sex life, in which the husband only used her body for release, with no atmosphere or pleasure.