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(Plants) a tree of the rose family native to the mountains of central and eastern Africa
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References in periodicals archive ?
(24.) Land-use patterns and dynamics in other parts of the province of Barcelona can be seen in Tello, Garrabou and Cusso, 'Energy Balance and Land Use'; R.
(35.) For example Joan Morgades, Artur Cusso and Eloina Malasechevarria.
(37.) Boadas J, Mora J, Urgell E, Puig P, Roca M, Cusso X, et al.
Gorostiaga, E.M., Navarro-Amezqueta, I., Calbet, J.A., Hellsten, Y., Cusso, R., Guerrero, M., Granados, C., Gonzalez-Izal, M., Ibanez, J.