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the tip of a cephalopod's tentacular club
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a, b entire animal, dorsal view (a live coloration; b preserved coloration); c propodus and dactylus of third pereopod (second ambulatory leg), lateral view.
However, studies with other species of stomatopods have found strong correlations ([r.sup.2] > 0.55) between components of the striking appendage (e.g., merus length, propodus and dactylus size) and strike force (Claverie et al., 2010) or spring force (Zack et al., 2009; Claverie et al., 2011).
Senol, "Evaluation of antioxidant, antiradicalic and antimicrobial activities of kernel date (fructus dactylus)," Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, vol.
Growth and reproduction of Solen dactylus (Bivalvia: Solenidae) on northern coast of the Persian Gulf (Iran).
2C, D) with all articles distinct, larger anteriorly; carpi sparsely setose on anteromedial corners; all propodi enlarged, each produced into proximal lobe with socket receiving tip of reflexed dactylus; long sharply pointed dactyli on pereopods 1-5, shorter and blunter dactyli on pereopods 6-7.
Ita scandendum esse ratio probat, ut primo sit necto spondeus, deinde tatamen dactylus, illepri dactylus, orpraee dactylus, adbreuiata diptongo propter uocalem quae sequitur, unteca rina dactylus et spondeus, qui terminent.
Distinguishing features: External face of palm and dactylus often violet in colour, with carapace and legs mottled.[1]
Swimming leg abnormalityThe fifth walking leg, which is modified intopaddle for swimming, was found abnormal in a male crab of 85 mm SCW in which the last two segments, that is propodus and dactylus, of the left swimming leg were deformed as shown in Figures5C and D.
Moreover, the same pattern was observed on the landmarks of the intersection on the base of the dactylus and the articulation between the propodus and carpus.