

vb (intr)
to walk unsteadily
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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I'll shake out another reef, matey, and daddle 'em again."
Diddle Daddle Duckling is not a classic, but it should be.
The hero of the story is a little yellow duckling named Diddle Daddle Duckling.
Told no again, Diddle Daddle waddles on, sits on a rock to rest, and then gets up and tries once more.
The Daddle Qwest is the first of its kind, and From what we've heard, boat show attendees have been snatching It them up like crazy.
Hey Diddle Diddle (21 letters ACDEFGHIJLMNOPRSTUVWY, using ACDEILMNOPRST) Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon; The little dog laughed to see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon Mae diddle daddle, a cat stole a paddle, A raccoon leapt on a moon slope; A poodle did snort to see real odd sport, And plate and spoon did elope
Chewed shoes, fleas, muddy paws and yappy daddle, bowser odor: a dog we don't need." Even Stephen King, much to Bill's astonishment when I told him about it in Paris, many years later, loved The Tunnel and prefaced his own reading at Princeton, where I was guest-teaching at the time, with an opening remark to the crowded audience of academics, students, and leather-clad bikers, "Have you heard of this guy, William H.
Holocaust Memorial Museum, Tom Buerghental, chairman of the museum's Committee on Conscience asked: How do we explain to our children and grandchildren that in the world in which we live, it is easier to mount a $40 billion rapid response to save the economy of this or that far-away country because its collapse might affect our stock holdings, while we diddle and daddle when it comes to mounting a rapid military response to save people from destruction by a murderous regime?(1)
In an effort to match her, Burney takes to informal snatches of prose ('And don't let my Master [Henry Thrale] think to diddle me daddle me out of all my breeding--Cook up I entreat you, selon son gout, mille Jolies Choses de ma Part', pp.
Bob also says he's heard of a winter sports clothing shop that had difficulty getting customers through the door, called Ski Daddle. But we don't think we believe him.
BC borable / coracle BF bulbil / fulfil BH baba / haha BJ bay-bay / Jay Jay (FL) BL backband / lackland BN bobwhite / nonwhite BP barbal / parpal BS blurb / slurs BV barbe / varve BX berobed / Xeroxed BZ bibb / zizz BD babble / daddle BG barbet / garget BI habnab / Hainai BK banaba / Kanaka BM barb / mann BO bleb / oleo BR beback / rerack BT barbaric / tartaric BW brab / wraw BY baba / yaya
* ''Daddles'' the duck cheers on the teams at the annual Teesside University NYSD Fifteens Final Day held at Marske Cricket Club