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a herbicide used to kill perennial grasses
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Determination of haloacetic acids and dalapon in drinking water by liquid-liquid microextraction, derivatization, and gas chromatography with electron capture detection.
Degradation of the selective herbicide 2, 2-dichloropropionate (Dalapon) by a soil bacterium.
The first spraying is done in four-lead time of plant and second spraying is done in mid growing of branches, it means 38days after planting, two liters Dalapon per hectare.
Pawlecki, "EPA method 552.2, revision 1.0, determination of haloacetic acids and dalapon in drinking water by liquid-liquid extraction, derivatization and gas chromatography with electron capture detection," Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water EPA/600/R-95/131, EPA, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 1995.
The soil fumigant methyl bromide, the herbicide dalapon, and the fungicide chloroneb are examples of pesticides which are degraded by microorganisms [7].
The effect of soil treatment on the response of the soil microflora to the herbiside dalapon. J.
Examples of organic herbicides include phenoxy (2,4-D), dipehenyl ethers (Fusilade[R]), organic arsenicals (arsenic and derivatives of arsenic), substituted amide (Diphenamid), substituted ureas (Siduron), carbamates (EPTC), triazines (Simazine[R]), aliphatic acids (Dalapon), and bipyridyliums (paraquat).
Only one contaminant (Dalapon [2,2-dichloropropanoic acid]) was detected, and it was seen in water from the Columbia River.
Progressive kill of rhizomatous johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) from repeated treatment with dalapon, MSMA, or asulam.
The use of dalapon and 2,4-D for maintaining summer-fallow land in weed free condition.