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References in periodicals archive ?
Roadmap to the Renaissance opens at 7:30 pm, Tuesday, June 11th, 2019, Darb 1718.
It would also provide data and information system regarding Darb al Salama project according to the latest regulations in force worldwide and directly link them with the ministry's educational portal database through integrated networks owned by the company.
systems, in addition to data and information system regarding Darb al
QF's Darb Al Saai tent aims to showcase QF's contribution to the development of Qatar across its core mission areas of education, science, and community development.
JEDDAH: The first edition of the Darb Zubaida (or Zubaida Trail) festival has been launched in Hail under the patronage of Hail Gov.
The post Founder's Memorial geolocation now on Abu Dhabi's Darb app appeared first on Tahawul Tech.
A number of Palestinian refugees and Lebanese nationals said they considered Rai's statements a call to the Lebanese government to turn over large parts of Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp to the town of Darb al-Sim.
Darb Al Haramian complex will be a major facility catering to the Al Haramian station visitors.
Doha: QNB participated with a special booth in Darb Al Saai's National Day festivities held this year in ''Doha tent''.
The army units and the resistance fighters purged Darb al-Sham district of terrorists, Lebanese sources announced on Sunday.
Darb LLC, whose members include local orthodontist Brad Chvatal,