
(redirected from darkled)


1. to grow dark; darken
2. (intr) to appear dark or indistinct
[C19: back formation from darkling]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdɑr kəl)

v.i. -kled, -kling.
1. to appear dark; show indistinctly.
2. to grow dark, gloomy, etc.
[1790–1800; back formation from darkling, taken as present participle]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: darkled
Gerund: darkling

I darkle
you darkle
he/she/it darkles
we darkle
you darkle
they darkle
I darkled
you darkled
he/she/it darkled
we darkled
you darkled
they darkled
Present Continuous
I am darkling
you are darkling
he/she/it is darkling
we are darkling
you are darkling
they are darkling
Present Perfect
I have darkled
you have darkled
he/she/it has darkled
we have darkled
you have darkled
they have darkled
Past Continuous
I was darkling
you were darkling
he/she/it was darkling
we were darkling
you were darkling
they were darkling
Past Perfect
I had darkled
you had darkled
he/she/it had darkled
we had darkled
you had darkled
they had darkled
I will darkle
you will darkle
he/she/it will darkle
we will darkle
you will darkle
they will darkle
Future Perfect
I will have darkled
you will have darkled
he/she/it will have darkled
we will have darkled
you will have darkled
they will have darkled
Future Continuous
I will be darkling
you will be darkling
he/she/it will be darkling
we will be darkling
you will be darkling
they will be darkling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been darkling
you have been darkling
he/she/it has been darkling
we have been darkling
you have been darkling
they have been darkling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been darkling
you will have been darkling
he/she/it will have been darkling
we will have been darkling
you will have been darkling
they will have been darkling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been darkling
you had been darkling
he/she/it had been darkling
we had been darkling
you had been darkling
they had been darkling
I would darkle
you would darkle
he/she/it would darkle
we would darkle
you would darkle
they would darkle
Past Conditional
I would have darkled
you would have darkled
he/she/it would have darkled
we would have darkled
you would have darkled
they would have darkled
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011