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Related to dato: Datto


(ˈdɑːtəʊ) or


n, pl -tos
(Sociology) the chief of any of certain Muslim tribes in the Philippine Islands
[C19: from Spanish, ultimately from Malay dato' grandfather]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"'Dieu me la donne, gare a qui la touche!'* They say he was very fine when he said that," he remarked, repeating the words in Italian: "'Dio mi l'ha dato. Guai a chi la tocchi!'"
The 26-year-old Dato, who was born in La Union and now resides in Santa Maria, California, dropped Lopez with a crushing body shot to end the fight at the 2:05 mark of the fifth round.
John Leo Dato ends Juan Antonio Lopez's night with a fifth-round KD to kickoff
The La Union-born Dato, now fighting out of Santa Maria, California, thus remained undefeated in 13 fights (with seven knockouts a draw).
Dato is one of three Filipino fighters who are included in the Pacquiao-Thurman card, the other two being flyweight Genisis Libranza and welterweight Jayar Inson.
Los datos que almacenan las organizaciones por lo general provienen de multiples fuentes (dispositivos, personas, organizaciones, entre otros) y estas fuentes se convierten en los productores de los datos.
Palabras clave: Estadisticas internacionales; Economia mundial, Analisis de datos; Big Data; Open Data; Indicadores; indices sinteticos.