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 (dā′vēz), Sir Peter Maxwell 1934-2016.
British composer whose avant-garde vocal and instrumental works draw on medieval and Renaissance traditions and are noted for their shocking, violent style.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Biography) Sir John. 1569–1626, English poet, author of Orchestra or a Poem of Dancing (1596) and the philosophical poem Nosce Teipsum (1599)
2. (Biography) Sir Peter Maxwell. born 1934, British composer whose works include the operas Taverner (1967), The Martyrdom of St Magnus (1977), and Resurrection (1988), nine symphonies, and the ten Strathclyde Concertos; Master of the Queen's Music from 2004
3. (Biography) (William) Robertson. 1913–95, Canadian novelist and dramatist. His novels include Leaven of Malice (1954), Fifth Business (1970), The Rebel Angels (1981), What's Bred in the Bone (1985), and The Cunning Man (1994)
4. (Biography) W(illiam) H(enry). 1871–1940, Welsh poet, noted also for his Autobiography of a Super-tramp (1908)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdeɪ viz)

Arthur Bowen, 1862–1928, U.S. painter.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Davies, and gave him a knife and gimlet, saying that he had found them on the road, and did not know to whom they belonged!
Davies's eldest son, who manages a farm of his own, is the man of business in the market.
Williams and Davies walked with me to a part of a neighbouring forest, to show me the famous kauri pine.
Davies was coming to town, and so we thought we'd join him in a post-chaise; and he behaved very genteelly, and paid ten or twelve shillings more than we did."
They found a most worthy editor in the late distinguished Sir George Cornewall Lewis, and a translator equally qualified for his task, in the Reverend James Davies, M.A., sometime a scholar of Lincoln College, Oxford, and himself a relation of their English editor.
then the king's counselors, who are in number seven - Mademoiselle Stewart, Mademoiselle Wells, Mademoiselle Gwyn, Miss Orchay, Mademoiselle Zunga, Miss Davies, and the proud Countess of Castlemaine - will represent to the king that war costs a great deal of money; that it is better to give balls and suppers at Hampton Court than to equip ships of the line at Portsmouth and Greenwich."
Liam Davies attacked Jamie Harvey on a night out in Shrewsbury after the latter made a comment to provoke him, Shrewsbury Crown Court heard.
Aaron Davies was arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer in July last year near the McDonald's restaurant in Trostre, Llanelli, where he worked as a doorman.
Their 18-month relationship ended in May 2008 amid allegations of Davies' violence towards her, but he stalked her for four years from 2012 until he was arrested over the 3,000 messages he sent to her on social media.
Jordan Willis, Dom Hyam and Tom Davies are the players competing for the two available shirts at the heart of the back four, but which is the strongest pairing?
There is clearly much bitterness within the Welsh Conservative Party followingthe ousting of its leader Andrew RT Davies on Wednesday.