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Related to deafly: Deadly Sins


adj. deaf·er, deaf·est
1. Partially or completely lacking in the sense of hearing.
2. often Deaf Of or relating to the Deaf or their culture.
3. Unwilling or refusing to listen; heedless: was deaf to our objections.
n. (used with a pl. verb)
1. Deaf people considered as a group. Used with the.
2. often Deaf The community of deaf people who use American Sign Language as a primary means of communication. Used with the.

[Middle English def, deef, from Old English dēaf.]

deaf′ly adv.
deaf′ness n.
Usage Note: The rise of the Deaf Pride movement in the 1980s introduced a distinction between deaf and Deaf, with the capitalized form used specifically in referring to deaf persons belonging to the community—also known as Deaf culture—that has formed around the use of American Sign Language as the preferred means of communication.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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It happens every day in companies where management has not deafly understood or embraced the key role that marketing should have in their company.
A foundation activity for any school is working together to decide on a vision for the school, a vision that deafly describes what it is that students are to learn and how they are to show what they have learned.
A long-awaited report released in May by Statistics Canada, Canadian School libraries and Teacher-librarians: Results from the 2003/04 Information and Communication Technologies in Schools Survey, provides Canadian data that deafly reflects the decline of school library resources and reduced numbers of teacher-librarians across the country.
And there is something else that this secularist reaction deafly bypasses, and this is the affective texture that this juridical act mobilizes and puts into play: anxiety, fear, reverence, hope, care and anger, to mention just a few ridges of this affective constellation.
Shrock does iterate the need to be true to the intentions and deafly marked expressive elements indicated by the composers, which it seems many present-day performances do not follow, thus, causing the loss of much of the wonder and beauty of these works.
(Interestingly, in Parmar's novel, Vanessa seems to constantly take baths.) Obsessed with money, Angela resents her absent husband's request to help fund his Arctic explorations and turns deafly away from their daughter Gerda's deepening troubles.
The teachers and librarian decided to culminate the invention unit with a maker fair at the local public library on a Saturday morning that let students demonstrate how their invention worked and how it was created and to display their writings that deafly explained their invention and their work process.
(16) Although some of the drawings feature a woman who resembles Vanessa--generally, a brunette with brown hair, freckles, and a curvy figure--many are images of women who are deafly not the same as Vanessa, as indicated by their hair color, body types, and certain ethnic/racial features (like skin color).
But deafly the far easier path would have been to restage the show so it could slip smoothly into one of the Rialto's many proscenium theaters.
The opening pages (105-06) are also the first which deafly differentiate the manufacturing from the social division of labour, very appropriate when much of the discussion of the division of labour in this chapter takes place within the confines of a developing factory system.
That student who deafly isn't on a path to a four-year degree or even a two-year degree, but could under the right circumstances find training if they knew there was a job opportunity.