

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a person or thing that deports
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President Obama earned the moniker "Deporter in Chief," and the current administration has accelerated that process.
Le but etait de chasser les migrants originaires d'Afrique subsaharienne de leur logement, de les interpeller et de les embarquer dans des bus pour les deporter vers le sud du pays, d'apres ces temoignages.
Parmi ces dispositifs figurent l'assistance au changement de voie, l'assistance active au maintien de voie, le freinage d'urgence autonome urbain et interurbain, le systeme de detection de fatigue du conducteur et les feux de route intelligents.L'assistance au maintien de voie alerte le conducteur par des signaux sonore et visuel lorsque son vehicule commence a se deporter de sa voie de circulation.
But ICE removals from the US were actually greater during the Obama years than has so far been the case under Mr Trump.Removals climbed to a high of 410,000 in the 2012 fiscal year, leading critics to deride Mr Obama as "deporter in chief.
(27.) Tache A, Gan L, Deporter D, Pilliar RM (2004) Effect of surface chemistry on the rate of osseointegration of sintered porous-surfaced ti-6AI-4V implants.
I( mmigration groups have often labeled Obama the "Deporter in Chief," for removing more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders between 2009 and 2015, more than any other president.
The mass deportations of President Obama, who is known as the "deporter in chief" by immigration activists, have contributed to making the number of undocumented residents in the U.S.
Trump might even adopt immigrant-rights groups' label for Obama as "deporter in chief."
In this book, editors Cullum and Deporter present readers with a comprehensive guidebook to minimally invasive dental implant surgery compiled from contributions from many academics and working professionals in the field.