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(ˈdɪktɪ) or


adj, -tier or -tiest
slang US snobbish and pretentious
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
One stop shop for everything Dictyostelium : dictyBase and the dicty stock center in 2012.
I love exploring the extraordinary behaviour of red harvester ants, flatworm nematodes, Antarctic penguins, vampire bats, rats and - star of the show - the amoebae dictyostelium discoideum, known as Dicty Disco for short!
1.33 (450m): Glannabell, Dicty Blue Bob, Tornaroy Tigra, Denwill Billy (M), Daring Sparky (M), Dempsey ( W ).
DICTY DAN (9.40) has the class to take this hurdle event.
Although they worked for many years with wasps and stingless bees, Queller and Strassmann's current "lab rat" is the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, known as Dicty for short.
The chapter begins with a short fictionalized narrative that explores the life and thought of a "dicty" black doctor, who treats a stabbing victim in a dilapidated tenement.
These tiny farmers, sometimes called Dicty for short, live in the soil.
The findings run counter to the presumption that all "Dicty" eat everything in sight before they enter the social spore-forming stage.
I taught the volume twice at a men's college to students who were predominately white and Southern, so very few students recognized the text's allusions or slang; incomprehensible to them were "dicty kickpleat," "soulless divaism," "hussified dozens" (15), and "ruses of the lunatic muse" (21), perhaps because these phrases use terms that are African American (dozens), gendered (kick-pleat), urban, or campy (divaism).
However, it in no way hampers the author's incisive analysis of the "dicty," African-American bourgeois.
The music on the disc was culled from three sources - early Duke Ellington numbers like The Dicty Glide and Cotton Club Stomp, the John Kirby Sextet and - I have to admit a completely new name to me - the Raymond Scott Quintet.