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a chemical compound consisting of two thiols
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Fragoso and O'Sullivan also reported a markedly more robust attachment based on reduction of individual diazonium moieties and showed it to be significantly more stable than even dithiol attachment [25].
Mannervik, "Inhibition of glutathione reductase by interaction of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonate with the active-site dithiol," FEBS Letters, vol.
Its disulfide bond is located midway between the redox active dithiol of the enzyme and the catalytically essential selenocysteine residue of the neighbor subunit.
Chemically, DMSA is a dithiol, meaning it contains two sulfhydryl (SH) groups.
(4.) Cichomski, M, Tomaszewska, E, Kosla, K, Kozlowski, W, Kowalczyk, PJ, Grobelny, J, "Study of Dithiol Monolayer as the Interface for Controlled Deposition of Gold Nanoparticles." Mater.
Dithiols such as DTT and DHLA have redox potentials that range from -0.29 to -0.33 V, and the redox potential of the active-site dithiol of thioredoxin is -0.29 V.
Lipoic acid (LA), a dithiol compound derived from octanoic acid, is a fatty acid that functions as a cofactor in vital energy-producing reactions and thus plays a major role in energy metabolism.
Therefore, since several reports have represented the fact that Pd(II) complexes containing dithiol group have low side effects especially on the kidney [30] and based on the chemopreventive cytotoxicity of the three novel Pd(II) complexes and also chemosensitivity of esophageal, gastric, and liver cancers, we have decided to investigate the cytotoxicity of these complexes against gastrointestinal cancer cell lines of AGS, KYSE-30, and HepG2.
To overcome the shortcomings of both of the above methods, this current work reports a third method: attachment of commercially available oleic acid stabilized monodispersed PbS-QD to the surface of CNT prefunctionalized by an aromatic dithiol. Monodispersed PbS-QD of different sizes that lie within the quantum confinement region, dispersed in toluene and stabilized by oleic acid, are commercially available from Evident Technologies.
During the synthesis, the oxidation of thiol (-SH) to dithiol (-S-S-) is unavoidable.
Parasites have dithiol trypanothione [[T(SH).sub.2]] and trypanothione reductase (TR) in their redox metabolisms which are common for all trypanosomatids but absent in hosts (5, 6).