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(ˈdoʊ bi)

(James) Frank, 1888–1964, U.S. folklorist, educator, and author.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Sales of new luxury cars dropped 60 per cent in the first quarter ended March on the back of stockouts of BMW, Porsche, Bentley and Jeep brands.Unit sales of the dealers including DT Dobie and Inchcape Kenya stood at 26 in the review period compared to 65 a year earlier, according to statistics from the Kenya Motor Industry Association (KMI).
When the man went to check on it, in February, he found raider Gerald Dobie in the property and there was a struggle between the two men.
Garnock caught Dumfries on the break on occasions but Dumfries' strong defence of Emma Harper, Morven Dobie and Alice Parker and keeper Ally McCubbin ensured they were unsuccessful.
Bernard Dobie, 27, of Simonswood Lane, Kirkby, was an Irish Guards infantryman and received the Operational Service Medal for Afghanistan.
MAKING COLOR SING, 25th Anniversary Edition: Practical Lessons in Color and Design, by Jeanne Dobie. Watson-Guptill Publications, $21.99.
SCOTT Dobie holds the dubious distinction of being the only man to score an Albion winner against Stoke in the league during the last two decades.
Garry Dobie, of Bywell Avenue in South Denton, Newcastle, had been out with friends on Sunday, May 29, when he approached the taxi driver looking for a lift home.
In an Eastenders' sweepstake at the Glass Centre, Dobie took the longest bag consisting of 22 fish for 649cm - an average of 29.5cm per fish.
Paul David Williams and Barry Dobie were both arrested in November last year as part of Operation Justice.
BORO handed trialist Luke Dobie his chance in the reserves' game against Hull City at the Riverside this afternoon.
SCOTT DOBIE netted his first goal for St Johnstone as he helped the Perth side stay on track for another Hampden visit with an easy win over Morton.