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Related to docetic: Docetae, Doceticism, Docetæ


(dəʊˈsiːtɪk; dəʊˈsɛtɪk)
(Ecclesiastical Terms) of or relating to Docetism
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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We must reject escapist or docetic presentations of the gospel, but the need and the challenge to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature is inescapable.
1986) The Qur'an and Its Exegesis with its identical brazen suggestions that the Prophet was a master Biblical plagiarist and docetic syncretist, to the first statement about Hadith and its transmission chains I ever heard from my former teacher at Columbia the late Jeanette Wakin (d.
(75) At first glance, the notion that Christ laughs at the unjust and even the just may seem uncomfortably close to the docetic portrayal of the laughing Christ in the Nag Hammadi texts, or may seem simply unfitting for the redeemer of humankind.
The consequence has been that some biblical scholars have not hesitated to consider the fourth gospel as gnostic or docetic. However, John's insistence on the historicity and reality of the incarnation, as well as his emphasis on the reality of Jesus' death on the cross, make such a misunderstanding impossible.
This has meant that research into the role of the Arabic Bible has often been subject to polemical positions--either Christians attempting to prove a pre-Islamic heterodox Arab Christianity from which the Quran assumed Gnostic and Docetic views of Jesus or Muslims seeking to expose the corruption of Christian scriptures.
Underwood states that Caffyn's opponent, Thomas Monk, "had put his finger on Caffyn's docetic error by publishing A cure for the cankering errors of the new Eutychians [sic]." (7) In discussing the state of General Baptists on the eve of the rise of Daniel Taylor's movement, Underwood portrays the movement as in "decline" and a state of "ruin" because of Caffyn's low Christology.
Arranged in sections on metaphysics, logos-theology, and anthropology, they are the existence of eternal matter and the eternity of ideas, belief in many worlds before Adam was created, two logoi of the father, the assumption that the Son of God is a creature, the docetic view of Christ, the transmigration of souls, the creation of Eve from Adam in a blasphemous and shameful way, and sexual encounters of angels with human women and the children conceived.
E.: leadership, bishops and resistance to their authority, the docetic "opponents," and social issues.
To say simply "Jesus is God" (and so God is Jesus) is a form of docetic heresy which argues Jesus was not human, and is identified with Apollinaris who denied Christ's humanity.
Nicol accused Bosch of a Docetic ecclesiology: his exposure to the kind of Heilsgeschichte views of a theologian like Oscar Cullmann, where salvation is contained within the church and sacred history is detached from the general historical continuum, allied to his espousal of the church as an "alternative community," a tendency that owed much to J.
(21) Against a Docetic scheme that viewed Jesus as merely assuming a celestial body in the Incarnation, the extra calvinisticum guaranteed that Christ was understood and believed as being "flesh of our flesh." (22) The corporeal humanity of Jesus, including his bodily specificity and self-identity in his incarnation, ascension, and parousia has to be retained not only for the sake of his true humanity but also for the sake of his priestly ministry to the church and the ultimate salvation of believers.
In the early centuries of the church this Incarnational ambivalence--discomfort in imagining a fully human Jesus--was observed in the Gnostic and Docetic heresies.