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adj, -tier or -tiest
(Botany) dialect (of wood) diseased or rotten
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Doty said police were there when the neighbor called Fernandez and told her the girl was alert and conscious and was being taken to the hospital.
Plant was awarded 1,000,000 units as per the company's letter agreement dated 13 February 2019, while Doty was awarded 385,000 units as per his letter agreement dated 15 February 2019.
Doty concluded that "there is a genuine issue as to whether and to what degree Karels was resisting arrest, and, if Karels did resist, whether Storz's use of force was reasonable." The U.S.
Doty made a huge impact in his one and only season with the Braehead side although it would ultimately end in disappointment as Clan failed to reach the end of season play-offs for the first time in their history.
Doty traces the evolving early modern meanings of 'popularity', from its sixteenth-century beginnings in anti-puritan rhetoric, via the crowd-winning tactics made visible by the Duc de Guise's short rule in France, to the alignment of the word with the dashing Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex, during the 1590s.
'This variability made it especially difficult to quantify the activity but is the key to the biology since it is probably only specific groupings of microorganisms that are working together to provide this nutrient to the host,' Doty noted in a paper published in the journal PLOS ONE.
York County Sheriff Kevin Tolson confirmed Doty's death at Carolinas Medical Center (CMC) in Charlotte Wednesday around 7 p.m.
Doty also explains the SEC's Municipal Continuing Disclosure Cooperation (MCDC) initiative, which allowed municipalities to reduce sanctions based on voluntary disclosure of past violations.
The driving rhythms and artful structures of her poems are in service of a rigorous examination of her own life and the lives of those around her," Doty added.
Joe and Jimi Michelle Doty bought the six-bedroom, 5 1/2-bath house at 3411 Post Oak Court.