

vb (intr)
dialect to be inactive or sluggish
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


- To move in a slow, sluggish way.
See also related terms for sluggish.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Thus, in the coming months, we get a multi-disciplinary performance about accepting diversity from the Lumbago ensemble on July 25; the premier of Jazzlogio's O Logos Tis Jazz on September 5; a variety show from the Funky Monkeys and the Drumble Beats on September 12; and an interdisciplinary performance entitled Win--Win Situation with the Thread Ensemble on September 19.
In Staffordshire, Georges Hayes, Longdon, near Lichfield and Parrot's Drumble, Talke Pits, near Newcastle-under-Lyme are two of the best places to see bluebells this spring.
(58) For further detail, see Mark Drumble, "Punishment, Post Genocide: From Guilt to Shame to Civic in Rwanda," New York University Law Review 75 (November 2000): 1226.
A louse or a louser, a leek or a lark, A dreamer, a drumble, a fire or a spark?
(56) As Mark Drumble remarks: "[r]esponse to atrocities of September 11 whether on the level of modifying the rules regarding a self-rule, avoiding strict adherence to the approval of use of force, demonstrating diffidence to the Geneva Convention, or the exceptional use of military commission-may signify a movement away from legalism." (57) The formal announcement of the policy of unilateralism by the United States, through its National Security Strategy, (58) saw the downgrading of multilateral institutions and the United Nations.
Miss Matty blames the lack of sea-green turbans on the provincial tastes of Drumble shops, but the narrator again prefers that Matty not "[disfigure] herself with a turban" (82).
Then, too, just as Cranford has "the great neighbouring commercial town of Drumble," where those husbands and fathers who are neither stationed with their regiments nor lost at sea find themselves "closely engaged in business all the week," Stamford has its Waterbury (39).
The concert will begin with a performance by the teenage percussion group Drumble Beats, who also took part in the celebrations in Limassol last year.
Next up at 7.30pm will be the young and enthusiastic band Drumble Beats.
Next the Windcraft Band will take to the stage at 7pm and be joined by the young drumming band Drumble Beats at 7.30pm.
The festival will kick-off at Heroes Square with a performance by local band Monsieur Doumani and the teenage band Drumble Beats.