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n, pl -men
(esp in science fiction) an inhabitant or native of the earth
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.earthman - an inhabitant of the earthearthman - an inhabitant of the earth    
denizen, dweller, habitant, inhabitant, indweller - a person who inhabits a particular place
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References in periodicals archive ?
She then penned her second novel, Mirror Earthmen: Tomorrow and Beyond, in 2017.
Their arrival is hailed as a great boon until the hero of the story translates an alien manual called 'Serving Earthmen'.
Stones Bi-Weekly, opined in his own Earth Day speech, "There's no use talking about Earth Day until we begin to think like Earthmen. Not as Americans and Russians ...
In The Queen of Space could the earthmen feel the thrill of her musk and alien charm?
On the Moon "The successful soft landing on the moon by the Soviet Union's Luna-9 spacecraft on February 3, 1966, enabled earthmen for the first time to see millimeter-sized details of the lunar surface.
The chapter also compares the sort of reception accorded the Bosjesmans to that experienced by two youngsters, Martinus and Flora, labelled "Earthmen" or Bushman-Troglodytes.
22 (PNA/Sputnik) -- If Santa can't cope with the delivery of gifts this Christmas, Earthmen will nonetheless not be left without presents.
(24) Captured by a host of Earthmen, the seekers are marched off to face the Queen of Underland.
Speaking of some heavy psych, check out the Earthmen and Strangers/Far Corners split 7-inch (Dirt Cult/GC records).
They were able to blend in with Earthmen and pass unnoticed, but the Garde possess great superhuman powers (the Legacies) which are different for each individual and develop as they approach adulthood.
In 1998, Assange co-founded his first company Earthmen Technology, with the aim of developing "network intrusion detection technologies".