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 (ĭ-klē′zhē-ə, -zē-ə)
n. pl. ec·cle·si·ae (-zhē-ē′, -zē-ē′)
1. The political assembly of citizens of an ancient Greek state.
a. A church or congregation.
b. The collective body of Christian believers regarded as constituting a universal church.

[Latin ecclēsia, from Greek ekklēsiā, from ekkalein, to summon forth : ek-, out; see ecto- + kalein, klē-, to call; see kelə- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -siae (-zɪˌiː)
1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (in formal Church usage) a congregation
2. (Historical Terms) the assembly of citizens of an ancient Greek state
[C16: from Medieval Latin, from Late Greek ekklēsia assembly, from ekklētos called, from ekkalein to call out, from kalein to call]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ɪˈkli ʒi ə, -zi ə)

n., pl. -si•ae (-ʒiˌi, -ziˌi)
1. an assembly, esp. the popular assembly of ancient Athens.
2. a congregation; church.
[1570–80; < Latin < Greek ekklēsía assembly]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The most famous of these gathering halls was the Ecclesia, which served as the principal assembly during the Golden Age of Greece.
Si hablamos con rigor, no existe la Iglesia universal, Ecclesia universalis, que se realiza en las iglesias particulares, sino la Iglesia de Dios que, por Cristo y en el Espiritu, se realiza en un lugar por el anuncio de la Palabra y la celebracion de los sacramentos>> (6).
John Paul II had established the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" in 1988 to facilitate the communion of Catholics linked to "the fraternity founded by Msgr.
Esta seria unicamente un acto de la voluntad de la autoridad eclesial (iubente ecclesia, dice Hugo de Amiens), que atribuiria a la persona previamente santificada por la ordenacion, la situacion juridica preliminar del ministerium y los poderes necesarios para ejercer las correspondientes funciones.
For Sale: Benton County acreage linked with a grant kickback scandal that ensnared the president of Ecclesia College, two state legislators and a lobbyist middleman.
In 2014 he was awarded the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, the highest papal honour that can be bestowed on a layperson.
Eric Shumaker will provide jazz music and sweets, treats, and drinks are provided by Ecclesia.
He covers in the world of make believe; Augustine's restless farewell: renouncing ficta in late antiquity; oblique speech: implementations of allegory in late Roman learned culture; poeta Christianus: from ficta to facta in early Christian poetry; and ecclesia triumphans&gt; fiction and figuration on the threshold of the Middle Ages.
Oey; "Protecting People in Protected Places," by Malin Gregersen; "On Mission in the Cosmopolitan World," by Maria Smaberg; "Religion, Relief, and Humanitarian Work among Armenian Women Refugees in Mandatory Syria, 1927-1934," by Inger Marie Okkenhaug; "A Nordic Hebrew Christian Center in Jerusalem?" by Seija Jalagin; "'Ecclesia Nidroseinsis' and 'Noregs Veldi.' The Role of the Church in the Making of Norwegian Domination in the Norse World," by Agnes S.
Deborah Harrison and Allan Lavington - leading lights at Ecclesia Ministries Church in Ladywood - were set to lock horns at Birmingham Employment Tribunal.
Are they two sister saints, or do they represent the ecclesia ex circumcisione and the ecclesia ex gentibus, which are clearly identified in the surviving dedicatory inscription in the church of Santa Sabina, completed just a few years later?
Pope John VIII (872-882) named the new church Sancta Ecclesia Marabensis in a letter he sent to the Moravian ruler Svatopluk, she says, and charged it with the pastoral care of the Slavic peoples living beyond the eastern border of the Carolingian realm.