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tr.v. ed·i·fied, ed·i·fy·ing, ed·i·fies
To instruct especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement.

[Middle English edifien, from Old French edifier, from Late Latin aedificāre, to instruct spiritually, from Latin, to build; see edifice.]

ed′i·fi′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Le drame survient quand l'espace fluvial est utilise sans discernement pour y construire des habitations, amenager des terrains de sport, edifier des etablissements d'utilite publique tels des ecoles, des centres de sante ou des facultes, eriger une maison de la commune, etablir des etablissements de loisirs ou toute autre infrastructure.
M2 PRESSWIRE-August 23, 2019-: Computer Speakers Market To Set Remarkable Growth By Key Players Philips, Samsung, Creative, Edifier Exclaim
Il a affirme sa mobilisation sincere pour la securite et le progres de l'Algerie et pour barrer toutes les voies aux tentatives de destabilisation et de devoiement de ce parcours pacifique et civilise, lors duquel le peuple algerien a demontre son attachement a sa terre et a ses ambitions legitimes a construire un Etat fort, sur et prospere, ou participeraient tous ses enfants devoues a edifier ses institutions, ayant pour fondement l'interet supreme de la nation, pour base l'equite sociale et pour piliers, la sincerite, le devouement et la loyaute envers Allah et la nation.
Other Chinese local brands including Honor, Edifier and ENKOR also performed strong.
But then again, was Kamaru a genius in musical composition, social commentary or as a cultural edifier? class="MsoNormalIn a space where the Benga routine musicians have had champions from across Kenyan communities over the decades, Kamaru may not qualify as the most well endowed inspirer of dance floor fanatics.
However, sales of portable audio in small sizes grew, such as Bose SoundLink Mini and Edifier, because of their convenience to carry around during trips and also they offer extraordinary quality of sound.
In 2007, he became the Director of Advanced Research & Development for the Edifier Hi-Tech Group Inc.
Wittgenstein later recanted these views, and began a phase that looks frankly nihilistic; better put, he became a philosophical "edifier" rather in the style of Suppes' late Stanford colleague Rorty.
Cette nostalgie sert de ciment pour edifier le mythe d'un quartier qui a connu, apres 1945, une vitalite intellectuelle et artistique exceptionnelle.