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v. t.1.See Indite.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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3C) with robust syncoxa bearing 2 endites; proximal endite small, with 1 large apical seta; distal endite cylindrical, with 3 apical setae, 1 of them modified.
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION: dementi; dene; denier; denim; dent; DETERMINE; diene; dine; diner; dint; emend; endite; enter; entered; entire; entree; ermine; ermined; erne; inert; inter; mend; mender; mien; mind; minder; mine; mined; miner; mint; minted; minter; need; needier; neem; nerd; nereid; nerite; nide; nitre; rein; reined; remind; rend; rent; rented; rind; teen; teenier; tein; tend; tender; tendre; tern; terne; tinder; tine; tined; treen; trend; triene; trine.
Yet another proposal, meanwhile, goes further still to reduce writing to immediate, physically present speech: "But to the purpose, dar'st thou thus much doe / Let one man giue one Theame betwixt vs two, / And on that Theame let both of vs goe write, / And he that best and soonest doth endite, / Give him the praise; and he that is out-strip'd / (For his Reward) let him be soundly whip'd." (56) To decide the winner, in other words, all their poetic trial needs is a meta-trial, just like the original trial it was supposed to replace--in which they again stand before an independent authority, compete on the same field, and have their skills judged side-by-side.
DIAGNOSIS: Males can easily be recognized by the pair of projections on each endite (Fig.
First Maxilla (Figure 2c): Coxal endite with 2 long serrulate setae and 1 short simple seta; basal endite with 2 strong serrulate setae distally and 1-2 sub-distally; endopod short, unsegmented with 2 setae.
Claiming to be at the mercy of matter he has no control over, the translator appears almost completely helpless; similar logic appears at the beginning of Book IV, when the narrator states, 'And now my penne, allas, with which I write, | Quaketh for drede of that I moste endite' (IV.